Featuring singers and bands from Taitung or other regions in
Date : Aug. 18th (Thu.)
Time : 19:30
Venue : Taitung Art and Culture Center
Groups : 欣歆Singasing文化藝術團、利稻國小、馬蘭吟唱隊、Vusam樂團、東部青樂團、織樂.Gili、桑布伊
Every year, groups that were recommended from Vocal Asia's representatives of Singapore, Taiwan, China, Hong
Kong, Japan and Korea will get the chance to perform at VAF concert, presenting an aca-show with Asian flavor to you.
Date : Aug. 19th (Fri.)
Time : 19:30
Venue : Taitung Art and Culture Center
It is the day where groups get to share music with the local citizens and
tourists. Sign up to join ACA Day!
Date : Aug. 20th (Sat.)
Time : 15:00
Venue : Tiehua Music Village & Taitung Aboriginal Culture Hotel
Tickets : Free
Date : Aug. 20th (Sat.)
Time : 19:30
Venue : Taitung Art and Cultural Center
Groups : Vocal Sampling / Gili (Champion of 3nd Asian Cup A Cappella Competition)
Performance Guest : The Wanted / VirtuOSO (VoiceJam Festival)