ACA Crossing: Team Taiwan Ver.


Time: May 21 (Thu.) 19:00-20:30

Watching channel: YouTubeVocal Asia Facebook


Aca Crossing: Team Taiwan Ver.


Wanna listen to some a cappella music from Taiwan? Four groups with different styles - Semiscon, O-Kai Singers, Voco Novo, and The Wanted - will be gathering together and sing for you for the first time online! Sit back and relax - let's hear the sound of Taiwan at home!






* The above time is in GMT+8.

* The event is free of charge.



Semiscon was established in 2002 and was the first professional A Cappella group in Taiwan. They were the champion of the 2003 Taiwan National Choir Competition and 2004 Austria Vokal.Total International A Cappella competition. Semiscon released the first A Cappella album in Taiwan and was nominated the best singing group for the 16th Golden Melody Award.


They have been invited to perform at important occasions like, Taiwan’s Golden Horse Award, Golden Melody Award, Golden Bell Award, National Day Celebration etc. As of today, they have performed thousands of times in more than 80 cities. They have also cooperated with pop singers like, Christine Hsu, Sandy Lam, Fish Leong, etc.

O-Kai Singers

成軍兩個月即以黑馬之姿榮獲由TCMC台灣合唱音樂中心主辦的2004台灣國際重唱大賽冠軍,迄今更創下華人最高獲獎紀錄,囊括海內外三十六項國際大獎。多次受邀與The Swingle Singers、The Real Group、The Idea of North等世界各地頂尖天團同台演出,與美國葛萊美獎得主的大師們合作錄製的首張專輯《O-Kai A Cappella》榮獲:台灣第24屆GMA金曲獎 2013﹝評審團獎﹞﹝最佳演唱組合獎﹞﹝最佳原住民語專輯獎﹞三項大獎、美國CASA 現代阿卡貝拉協會評選為CARAs(Contemporary A Capella Recording Awards)2013﹝最佳爵士專輯﹞以及台灣中華音樂人交流協會 2012﹝年度十大專輯﹞。從創團以來,跨足各種音樂聯演,受邀演唱遍及全世界。





台灣第24屆GMA金曲獎 2013﹝評審團獎﹞

--評審講評:『本年度「評審團獎」經過激烈討論,由歐開合唱團獲選,歐開合唱團展現聲線美學中,融合原民語言和A Cappella動人的合聲編寫與嶄新的律動旋律,為流行文化和演唱技巧開拓新的音樂語彙,精緻細膩的錄音不但深具流行與時代感,既讓人聲的情感更具穿透力,同時傳達原民文化傳承的寓意,是一張音樂內涵豐富、風格手法新穎,為臺灣流行樂界和風氣漸盛的阿卡貝拉樂界,賦予形式開創與革新典範。』;2019年金曲獎即將於6/30舉行,歐開第二張專輯入圍「最佳演唱組合獎」。






歐開在一次大學音樂系的示範演出與講學後,團員旋即受邀至該校任教,開設臺灣第一個 A Cappella 專業學分課程,並常受邀擔任國際 A Cappella 大賽評審,如 : 臺灣現代阿卡貝拉大賽、臺灣國際重唱大賽、深圳衛視 The Sing-off 清唱團、香港無伴奏合唱比賽、中國首屆阿卡貝拉大賽、上海師大 A Cappella比賽...。



於教育電台推出臺灣第一個A Cappella廣播節目【阿卡人聲】帶狀節目,深獲好評。 

Voco Novo

Founded in 2009, Voco Novo is one of the most unique A Cappella groups in Taiwan, creating music of their own, as well as digging deeply into the various cultures on the island, which have become the group’s iconic style.


Voco Novo’s picturesque music have won the Gold Diploma for both “pop” and “jazz” categories at the 2012 International A Cappella Competition in Austria, and took the “Best Arrangement” with Taiwan’s Hakka song “Under the Tung Blossom Trees”.  At the 2013 CARA, Voco Novo’s album won the “Best Asian Album” and the original song, “Across the Milky Way”, which is based on an ancient Chinese poem, was the runner-up for “Best World Music Song”. In 2015, Voco Novo also took the 2nd prize at the world-renowned a cappella competition in Tampere, Finland. 


Apart from performing regularly in Taiwan, Voco Novo has often traveled overseas, including Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and the US. Audience from around the world keep falling in love with the oriental sound this group creates.


Voco Novo enjoys creating new A Cappella music with Taiwanese culture and nature scene, to realize the idea of “Voco Novo” (Latin: New Voices). The ideal is to let the audience experience the beauty of Taiwan with a journey where music can be seen, and images can be heard.

The Wanted



—尋人啟事 The Wanted—


成立於2014年6月,成團短短兩年內便獲得多項國際阿卡貝拉大賽的冠軍,在2016年更以唯一亞洲團隊之姿,奪下美國國際阿卡貝拉大賽 Voice Jam 冠軍,至今無人能打破這項記錄。


尋人啟事演出經驗豐富,現場演唱擁有飽滿的能量及爆發力,活躍於大大小小型商業演出、頒獎典禮、記者會、音樂節與校園。2017~2019年在台北與台中Legacy、高雄LIVEWARE House、香港、深圳、上海、蘇州、杭州、⻄安舉辦多場專場售票演唱會。2017年起更開始創作與發表原創歌曲,並將募資發行首張創作專輯《Dear Adult》。

他們不僅僅是一支年輕的團隊,更是一支充滿創作能量的團隊,2020年全團都大學畢業的尋人啟事,發行了他們第一張全創作專輯『Dear Adult』,也是亞洲第一張全創作的人聲樂團專輯,在音樂的想法上面,他們有無限的想像,在演出與賽事上他們屢創下佳績,在網路聲量上面也是台灣人氣最高人氣的樂團。











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